Skilled Visa Points Test Table

Skilled Visa Points Test Table

Review of the Points Test Discussion Paper

On December 11, 2023, the Government released its Migration Strategy, which introduces a new vision for Australia’s migration system. This strategy includes an action plan with eight key actions and over 25 new policy commitments and areas for future reform.

A major aspect of the strategy is to review and potentially reform the points test used to select migrants, aiming to better align it with Australia’s long-term prosperity. A discussion paper has been made available for consultation, which outlines the challenges with the current points test, suggests directions for future reform, and poses key questions for feedback.

The discussion paper covers the following points:

  • The points test should prioritize characteristics linked to migrants successfully finding skilled employment.
  • Experience is important but shouldn’t lead to a state of permanent temporariness.
  • The points test should focus on skills that Australia needs both now and in the future.
  • The test could better target younger migrants who can help address the challenges posed by an aging population.
  • The potential contributions of partners are not fully recognized in the current points test.
  • Transition arrangements for the points test must balance fairness and certainty for migrants with the need for reform.
  • Regular reviews of the points test are necessary to ensure it meets its objectives.

The points-based test applies to the following skilled migration visas:

  • Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)
  • Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)

For each visa, the minimum score required is 65 points. Higher scores increase the likelihood of being invited to apply for a visa.

Points are awarded based on the factors listed below. At the time of your invitation to apply for the visa, you must demonstrate that you meet the score specified in your Expression of Interest.

Points Criteria


Age Range Points
18 to 24 years 25
25 to 32 years 30
33 to 39 years 25
40 to 44 years 15

English Language Skills

English Proficiency Points
Competent English 0
Proficient English 10
Superior English 20

Skilled Employment Experience

Overseas Skilled Employment (outside Australia)

Number of Years Points
Less than 3 years 0
3 to 4 years 5
5 to 7 years 10
8 or more years 15

Australian Skilled Employment (in Australia)

Number of Years Points
Less than 1 year 0
1 to 2 years 5
3 to 4 years 10
5 to 7 years 15
8 or more years 20

You can only earn points for employment if it was in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related one, and if you were employed for the relevant periods listed in the table, within the 10 years before you are invited to apply.

For any Australian employment, you must have held a substantive visa or a Bridging A or Bridging B visa, and you must have complied with the conditions of that visa to be eligible for points.

“Employed” means working in an occupation for at least 20 hours a week.

Closely related occupations must be:

  • In the same ANZSCO Unit Group, or
  • Consistent with a career advancement pathway, or
  • Recognized by an assessing authority as closely related to your nominated occupation, as part of your skills assessment.

Under the points test, there is a cap on the number of points that can be awarded for employment experience. The maximum number of points you can receive is 20, so even if you accumulate more than 20 points for your employment experience, you will only be awarded 20 points.

Educational Qualifications

Requirement Points
Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or a recognized standard Doctorate from another institution 20
Bachelor degree from an Australian educational institution or a recognized standard Bachelor qualification from another institution 15
Diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution 10
Qualification or award recognized by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation 10

Note: For points-based migration, you will receive points only for your highest qualification.

Recognition of Qualifications

The assessing authority may determine if your qualifications are comparable to the relevant Australian qualifications. You must have this recognition at the time you are invited to apply for a visa. Assessing authorities are listed against your occupation in the eligible skilled occupations list.

Doctoral Requirements (PhD)

Points for a doctoral degree are awarded only if you have completed a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Points cannot be claimed for other qualifications that allow the use of the title “Doctor” (e.g., general practitioner, dentist, vet).

Specialist Education Qualification

Requirement Points
Masters degree by research or Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution with at least 2 academic years of study in a relevant field 10

The postgraduate degree (doctorate or masters) must be from an Australian institution and involve at least two academic years of study in one of the following fields:

  • Natural and Physical Sciences: Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Earth sciences, Mathematical sciences, Physics and astronomy, Other natural and physical sciences
  • Information Technology: Computer science, Information systems, Information technology, Other information technology
  • Engineering and Related Technologies: Aerospace engineering and technology, Civil engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering and technology, Geomatics engineering, Manufacturing engineering and technology, Maritime engineering and technology, Mechanical and industrial engineering and technology, Other engineering and related technologies, Process and resources engineering

Australian Study Requirement

Requirement Points
Meet the Australian study requirement 5

You must have at least one degree, diploma, or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution that meets the Australian study requirement.

Professional Year in Australia

Requirement Points
Completion of a Professional Year in Australia 5

To be eligible for these points, your Professional Year must have been in Accounting, ICT/Computing, or Engineering and:

  • Was completed in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
  • Lasted at least 12 months
  • Was completed in Australia within the four years before you were invited to apply
  • Was provided by one of the following organizations: Australian Computer Society, CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Institute of Public Accountants (formerly the National Institute of Accountants), Engineers Australia

Credentialled Community Language

Requirement Points
Hold a recognized qualification in a credentialled community language 5

To be eligible, you must be accredited at the paraprofessional level or above, certified at the certified provisional level or above, or hold a community language credential for interpreting or translating from the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.

Study in Regional Australia

Requirement Points
Degree, diploma, or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution obtained while living and studying in an eligible regional area 5

Your qualification must meet the Australian study requirement, be obtained while living in a designated regional area, and not include distance education.

Partner Skills

Requirement Points
Your spouse or de facto partner is an applicant for the same visa subclass and meets age, English, and skill criteria 10

To be eligible, your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass, not an Australian permanent resident or citizen, and:

  • Be under 45 years old
  • Have competent English
  • Have nominated a skilled occupation on the same list as your nominated skilled occupation
  • Have a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority, not for a Subclass 485 visa
Requirement Points
Your spouse or de facto partner is an applicant for the same visa subclass and has competent English 5

To be eligible, your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass and not be an Australian permanent resident or citizen.

Requirement Points
You are single or your partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident 10


Requirement Points
Invited to apply for a Subclass 190 (Skilled — Nominated) visa with an unwithdrawn nomination 5

You must be nominated to be invited to apply for this visa. Points are awarded if your nomination remains in effect.

Requirement Points
Invited to apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) due to nomination or family sponsorship, with an unwithdrawn nomination or approved sponsorship 15

You must have been nominated or have stated that you would be sponsored by an eligible family member to be invited to apply for this visa. Points are awarded if your nomination remains in effect or if your sponsorship has been approved.

For further information on sponsorship and nomination, refer to the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491).