NAATI Points for Skilled Migration
Starting in 2018, NAATI will offer a new Credentialed Community Language (CCL) test.
For certain points-based visa applications to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, individuals who pass the NAATI CCL test are expected to be able to claim CCL points, often referred to as the “five bonus points.”
For more information or to apply for a CCL test, please contact us. NAATI also anticipates that individuals who obtain certification will be eligible to claim CCL points without needing to take any additional tests.
The first round of CCL tests will be held during the week of March 19-23, 2018. The specific languages included in this test round will be determined in early 2018. Applicants will be notified via email if they are offered a test place.
NAATI expects to conduct at least three more CCL testing rounds throughout 2018. Please note that passing a CCL test does not certify an individual to work as an interpreter or translator.
NAATI Credentialed Community Language Test – Points Validity
The Department has indicated that NAATI CCL test results are valid for three years for the purpose of awarding points under Schedule 6D.
When submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI), please ensure that the test results are still valid at the time you are invited to apply for a visa.